Here He is!!! Tired Tracy!!!
"Hi Franny. Im soooooooooo tired! I run everyday to try to stay healthy and fit, but it just dosnt wor! Every time I finish running, Im sooo tired! All my friends are so not tired and still energised after thier run but me? NOPE! What do you thing is wrong???
See thats the problem! All your friends probably stretch! Lets see if one of my friends can help you out. BOBBY!!!!!
"Hi!!! " Whats the problem! I can probley LIFT it off your shoulders!!! Get it? Lift as in weights!? HAHAHAHA!
My friend here, Tracy, Needs some help! He always is on the run but every time he gets done with his run, he is really tired! Do you think you can help him out???
"Sure!!! WHY NOT!!!! Ok Tracy....I hear you dont stretch very good. Well stretching is a very important thing to do everyday! Wether your going on a run or going to work! Stretching everyday will help your muscles grow stronger! LIKE MINE! HUGHHHHH!!!!"
"DO I??? Sure!!! There is jumping jacks, running in place, stretching your legs by spreading them apart and touching your toes, theres sit ups, push ups, and lots more!!!
Well Thanks Bobby! And Everyone includintg Tracy, I hope you uys learned somthing today!!