Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I am in Middle School now so there are LOTS of sports you can do. I like tennis so I signed up. We went through conditioning for 2 weeks. We just finished tryouts today on Jan. 27 2010. I went to church that night and it ends at like 8:00 so by the time we ate supper there and played in the gym while the parents talked, it would be about 9:00. We were riding home so we decided to stop by the school to see who made it! Alot of my friends didnt make it but hopefully they will tryout next year and stay in lifetime tennis. -----I was sooooo happy when I put my finger on the very first name of the list and went down and saw my name right smack in the middle!! Well from there on...Ive been excited!


  1. Yea Morgan!!! I'm sooo excited and proud for you! I can't wait to come see a match!!! :)

  2. I'm so proud of my tennis-playin' fruzin! I love you SO Much and I'm SO PROUD OF YOU!!!

  3. Good Job Fruzcuz:)
